Previous research shows that patients with COVID-19 have a high chance of getting fungal infections. Medicines called antifungals  are  used  to  treat  fungal  infections.  However,  some  fungi  are  resistant,  which  means  the  fungi  are  not  killed by the antifungals and they keep growing, which can make  the  patients  sicker  and  even  die.  This  is  a  summary  of  a  study  that  looked  at  whether  different  types  of  fungi  and  their  resistance  to  antifungals  changed  from  before  COVID-19 to during the pandemicThis Plain Language Summary of Publication article from Future Microbiology discusses a study that looked at whether the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on different types of fungi and their resistance to antifungal medicines.

Visit the Future Medicine site using the link to read the full article.

The original article on which this summary is based is called ‘Impact of COVID-19 on the antifungal susceptibility profiles of isolates collected in a global surveillance program that monitors invasive fungal infections’ and was published in Medical Mycology. 

Visit the Oxford Academic site using the link to read the article.