Dostarlimab, also known by the brand name JEMPERLI, is a medicine that can be used to treat certain types of endometrial cancer. GARNET is an ongoing phase 1 clinical study that is testing the safety and side effects of dostarlimab and the best way to administer it to patients. The results presented in this summary are from a time point in the middle of the studyThis Plain Language Summary of Publication from Future Oncology looks at a medication called dostarlimab for the treatment of endometrial cancer. This summary describes results from an ongoing study , called GARNET, that is testing the safety and side effects of dostarlimab and the best way to administer it to patients.

Read the full article here.

The original article which this summary is based on is called ‘Safety and antitumor activity of dostarlimab in patients with advanced or recurrent DNA mismatch repair deficient/microsatellite instability-high (dMMR/MSI-H) or proficient/stable (MMRp/MSS) endometrial cancer: interim results from GARNET—a phase I, single-arm study’. It was published in the Journal for Immunotherapy of Cancer. 

You can read it here.