The latest plain language summary of publication (PLSP) published in Future Oncology provides a summary of the ARAMIS trial, which looked at the role of darolutamide in the treatment of patients with nonmetastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer. The article entitled ‘Darolutamide and survival in nonmetastatic, castration-resistant prostate cancer: a patient perspective of the ARAMIS trial’ is a summary of the original ARAMIS publication from the New England Journal of Medicine published September 2020.

As well as providing details on the trial itself, the summary also includes insights and perspectives from a participant who was in the ARAMIS trial and from a prostate cancer patient advocate.

After five years in the ARAMIS trial, I have been very pleased to see the positive outcomes of the trial which has given me hope for a continued good quality of life for the foreseeable future

I Blue

Read the PLSP, with accompanying animated video, here.

The original article ‘Nonmetastatic, Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer and Survival with Darolutamide’, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, can be found here.