This   plain   language   summary   describes   the   phase   3   PRINCE   study.   The   study   looked   at   adults   with   paroxysmal   nocturnal   hemoglobinuria   (PNH),   a   rare   blood   disorder   that   is   acquired   (not  inherited),  usually  during  adulthood.  PNH  causes  hemolysis,  which is the destruction of red blood cells.
This Plain Language Summary of Publication article from Future Rare Diseases describes a study called PRINCE. The study focused on adults with a rare blood disorder called paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH). The PRINCE study compared a new medicine called pegcetacoplan with the older treatment of supportive care (including red blood cell blood transfusions; blood thinners; steroid medicines; and supplements, like iron, folate or vitamin B12).

Visit the Future Medicine site using the link to read the full article.

The original article on which this summary is based is called d ‘Pegcetacoplan controls hemolysis in complement inhibitor–naive patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria.’  and was published in Blood Advances. 

Visit the Ash Publications site using the link to read the article.