his  is  a  summary  of  a  review  article  about  gene  therapy.  Review   articles   summarize   many   previously   published   scientific  articles.  The  review  was  about  how  a  common  virus  could  change  how  one  type  of  gene  therapy  works.  It  also  discussed  the  importance  of  antibody  testing  for  people  who  may  receive  gene  therapy.  The  original  review  was published in Molecular Therapy in 2023This Plain Language Summary of Publication article from Future Rare Diseases summarises a review article about gene therapy (a type of medical treatment). One of the viruses used in gene therapy is called adeno-associated virus (AAV), however, a common reason why some people can’t receive this gene therapy is because they have antibodies against AAV. This article looks into how antibodies against AAV can prevent gene therapy from working and the potential side effects.

Visit the Future Medicine using the link to read the article.

The original article on which this summary is based is called ‘Binding and neutralizing anti-AAV antibodies: Detection and implications for rAAV-mediated gene therapy’ and was published in Molecular Therapy. 

Visit the Science Direct using the link to read the original article.