This  is  a  plain  language  summary  of  an  article  originally  published in European Journal of Human Genetics. Transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) is a disease that affects the heart and nerves of  those  it  afflicts.  One  inherited  form  of  ATTR  is  particularly  common among people of Portuguese descent and presents primarily  as  a  neurologic  disease  termed  familial  amyloid  polyneuropathy (FAP)This Plain Language Summary of Publication article (PLSP) from Future Rare Diseases discusses a neurological disease called familial amyloid polyneuropathy (FAP) which is especially common among people of Portuguese descent. The study that this PLSP summarises shows the relevance of communication from older to younger generations, primarily women, among Portuguese families with FAP.

Visit the Future Medicine site, using the link, to read the full article.

The original article that this summary is based on is published in the European Journal of Human Genetics and is called ‘From older to younger: intergenerational promotion of health behaviours in Portuguese families affected by familial amyloid polyneuropathy’.

Visit the Nature site, using the link, to read the article.