This  is  a  plain  language  summary  of  a  study  called  CodeBreaK  100.  The  CodeBreaK  100  study  included  patients  with  non-small-cell  lung  cancer  that  had  spread  outside  the  lung  (advanced).  Lung  cancer  is  one  of  the  most common forms of cancer.CodeBreaK  100  specifically  looked  at  patients  with  a  particular  change  (mutation)  in  the  KRAS  gene  resulting  in  the  mutated  protein  called  KRAS  G12C.  The  KRAS  G12C  mutation  can  lead  to  development  and  growth of lung cancer.This Plain Language Summary of Publication article from Future Oncology summarises the results of a study called CodeBreaK 100, the study specifically looked at patients with a particular change in the KRAS gene, resulting in a mutated protein called KRAS G12C. The mutation can lead to the development and growth of lung cancer. The CodeBreaK 100 study looked at the safety and effectiveness of advanced non-small-cell lung cancer.

Visit the Future Medicine using the link to read the article.

The original article on which this summary is based is called ‘Long-term outcomes and molecular correlates of sotorasib efficacy in patients with pretreated KRAS G12C-mutated non-small-cell lung cancer: 2-year analysis of CodeBreaK 100′ and was published in Journal of Clinical Oncology. 

Visit ASCO Publications using the link to read the original article.